The following are demonstrations showing how to perform simple tasks within the DSA software.

License and Locations:


The first thing you need to do to set up your manager is enter your credentials in the login screen. This will bring you to the dashboard.

From here you can select the admin tab at the top right and choose Licenses Management from the drop-down menu.

Select Add and enter your 16 digit license key. Click Add to confirm.

Next you need to set up your locations. To do so, select the Admin tab again and this time choose Locations Management from the drop-down menu.

Click Add to add a new location. Choose the license key, then enter the location name and details.

Click Add to save changes.

Using the Gallery:


To add content to the gallery, select the Gallery tab on the left. Then select Upload to choose media to add to the gallery.

Browse to the media you intend to add (video or images) and click upload. Wait for all files to finish uploading, then click close.

Files can be deleted or replaced within the gallery at any time. Replacing a file will also replace any instances of that file within all playlists with the new replacement.

You can edit the properties of any number of these files at once by selecting their check-box and clicking edit.

Making and Managing a Playlist:


To make a playlist, select the Playlist tab then click Add. Choose a name and click Create.

To add content to this playlist, (with the appropriate playlist selected on the left) Click Add above the preview panel.

When you add any number of items to the playlist you can modify how those items will display; including the type of transition, display duration, and how often they appear.

Items can be deleted from the playlist or replaced from the gallery media at any time in much the same way as in the Gallery.

You can also add a Sub-playlist with the Add button in much the same way as you added items from the gallery.

This allows you to choose another playlist you created to run as it exists as a single item.

Tags and Tagging:


Items within the Gallery can be tagged for the purposes of filtering through them more easily. This is particularly useful when a gallery has a great number of media files contained within it.

Select the Tags tab on the left to display all current Tags. There are a number of System Tags that will already be there as default.

You can click Add to create and name your own custom tag.

Once you’ve saved it, you can highlight items in the gallery and click Tag/Untag to choose system/custom tags to associate with them.

You can filter by system/custom tags to find specifically associated files by highlighting the desired tag(s) in the Tag panel on the left.

Managing a Player:


Players can be managed from the Locations tab.

To modify a player’s settings, choose which player(s) to modify and click Player Settings.

You can turn the player on, enable settings lockout or interaction, and change other other parameters from this menu.

Here you will also find the controls to Start, Stope, Reboot, and Update the player, as well as requesting Proof of Play.

Scheduling Media:


Media within a playlist can be set to play in more specific patterns and timing.

Select the Playlist tab, choose the media whose parameters you wish to modify and click Edit.

Here you can choose a transition type, the duration that the media displays for, and when the media displays.

You can set the media to play on a particular date, time or time window, or even to just run once.

It is also possible to set the media to only display on particular players from among those using the playlist.

Sending and Synching:


For a player to run a playlist that you have created for it, you have to send it the playlist manually.

Choose the playlist that you intend to send, then click Send to Players and choose any number of players that you wish to run this playlist and click Send to Selected.

If you make any changes to this playlist and wish to apply them to any players already running it, you can instead click Sync to update them.